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Lori’s Story  | Planned Parenthood Video

Lori’s Story | Planned Parenthood Video

Lori, a mother of two from House Speaker Paul Ryan’s district in Wisconsin, credits Planned Parenthood with preserving her ability to bear children. “While still a young teacher, I called Planned Parenthood for an appointment after experiencing severe pains in my low abdomen. I was given an appointment for that same day. A large cyst and multiple benign tumors were detected in my ovaries. Planned Parenthood connected me with a gynecologist who removed them in time to save a healthy portion of one of my ovaries. It was enough, because years later, that same doctor delivered both my daughter and my son. I am forever grateful to Planned Parenthood for their quick action during my health emergency. It is because of their care, in part, that my husband and I were able to grow our family. I continue to support Planned Parenthood so that others may also benefit from their capable and compassionate health care.” See supporters in action: See more Planned Parenthood stories: TAKE ACTION: Transcript: GFX: Lori, Mom, Substitute Teacher, Wisconsin Lori: When I was 26 years old, I was underinsured and so for my preventative care, I used Planned Parenthood. Then one day I was having these horrible pains in my lower abdomen and I called my doctor at Planned Parenthood. Found out that I had tumors and cysts in my ovaries and that it was a health emergency. They were able to save a half of an ovary, and that was enough because I was able to have children. So I’m grateful to Planned Parenthood.
2021 Corporate Equality Index | HRC
Fired for Being Gay: Gerald Bostock Takes His Case to the Supreme Court

Fired for Being Gay: Gerald Bostock Takes His Case to the Supreme Court

A Georgia man was fired for being gay after joining a gay recreational league. He took his case to the Supreme Court. Arguments were heard in October, 2019, and the decision will likely be released in 2020. Policy and Political Affairs at HRC consists of our Government Affairs department, the Legal Department, the Campaigns and Organizing Team, the Political Action Committee, and other programs. The Government Affairs department engages with Congress and the administration to advance pro-equality federal policy. The Legal Department is dedicated to legal policy change through the courts, legislatures, and administrative bodies at the international, federal, state, and local level. The Campaigns and Organizing team is based throughout the country and focused on building political organizing capacity within the LGBTQ+ movement. The Political Action Committee (PAC), which is governed by the Public Policy Committee (PPC), makes endorsements in federal, state, and local races and can coordinate electoral activities and contribute to those campaigns. The Human Rights Campaign envisions a world where every member of the LGBTQ+ family has the freedom to live their truth without fear, and with equality under the law. We empower our 3 million members and supporters to mobilize against attacks on the most marginalized people in our community. Follow us! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: Visit our website: #HRC #HumanRightsCampaign #LGBTQ
LGBTQ "Conversion Therapy" Survivor : "They Got Some Weird Joy Out of Torturing Children"

LGBTQ "Conversion Therapy" Survivor : "They Got Some Weird Joy Out of Torturing Children"

The discredited, abusive practice of “conversion therapy” has been proven to cause lasting physical and mental harm and can be life threatening. So far, HRC has helped enact protections against “conversion therapy” in more than 10 states, plus the District of Columbia. Policy and Political Affairs at HRC consists of our Government Affairs department, the Legal Department, the Campaigns and Organizing Team, the Political Action Committee, and other programs. The Government Affairs department engages with Congress and the administration to advance pro-equality federal policy. The Legal Department is dedicated to legal policy change through the courts, legislatures, and administrative bodies at the international, federal, state, and local level. The Campaigns and Organizing team is based throughout the country and focused on building political organizing capacity within the LGBTQ+ movement. The Political Action Committee (PAC), which is governed by the Public Policy Committee (PPC), makes endorsements in federal, state, and local races and can coordinate electoral activities and contribute to those campaigns. The Human Rights Campaign envisions a world where every member of the LGBTQ+ family has the freedom to live their truth without fear, and with equality under the law. We empower our 3 million members and supporters to mobilize against attacks on the most marginalized people in our community. Follow us! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: Visit our website: #HRC #HumanRightsCampaign #LGBTQ
Clean Energy For All | LCV
The water crisis in Flint | Hillary Clinton

The water crisis in Flint | Hillary Clinton

Citizens of Flint, Michigan speak out about their experiences being the victims of government neglect and political silencing. Hillary Clinton is fighting to lend a helping hand to those who have been without one for too long. Join the fight for the citizens of Flint. SUBSCRIBE for the latest news and updates from the Hillary Clinton campaign ► Watch more videos from Hillary Clinton!► Stay connected with the campaign. Subscribe on YouTube ► Like us on Facebook ► Follow us on Twitter ► Follow us on Instagram ► Pin with us on Pinterest ► ABOUT HILLARY CLINTON Hillary Clinton has served as Secretary of State, Senator from New York, First Lady of the United States, First Lady of Arkansas, a practicing lawyer and law professor, activist, and volunteer, but the first things her friends and family will tell you is that she’s never forgotten where she came from or who she’s been fighting for throughout her life. Hillary was raised in a suburb of Illinois where she attended public school and was raised a Methodist by her parents. She attended Wellesley College, and went on to study law at Yale. After attending Yale Law School, she went to work for the Children’s Defense Fund, going door to door in New Bedford, Massachusetts. After serving as a lawyer for the Congressional Committee investigating President Nixon, she moved to Arkansas where she taught law and ran legal clinics representing poor people. She co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, one of the state’s first child advocacy groups. As First Lady under President Bill Clinton, Hillary tenaciously led the fight to reform our health care system so that all our families have access to the care they need at affordable prices. Hillary led the U.S. delegation to Beijing to attend the UN Fourth World Conference on Women and gave a groundbreaking speech, declaring that “human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights once and for all”—inspiring women worldwide and helping to galvanize a global movement for women’s rights and opportunities. Hillary was then elected to the U.S. Senate, becoming the first woman senator from New York. She repeatedly worked across the aisle to get things done, including working alongside Republicans after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. When Congress wouldn't do enough for rural areas and small towns, Hillary didn’t back down. She launched innovative partnerships with the tech industry and provided support to local colleges and small businesses. When President Obama asked Hillary to serve as his secretary of state, she answered the call to public service once again. She was a forceful champion for human rights, internet freedom, and rights and opportunities for women and girls, LGBT people and young people all around the globe. Now she’s running for President because everyday Americans need a champion and she wants to be that champion. ABOUT THE HILLARY CLINTON YOUTUBE CHANNEL Welcome to Hillary Clinton’s YouTube Channel. This channel is the official hub for videos related to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential run, and where you’ll find small glimpses into the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Learn all about Hillary’s platform, and where she stands on the issues facing America today. Connect with Hillary on the problems that matter to you: climate change, immigration, healthcare, inequality, education, and the economy. See the pivotal moment that began it all, with the Getting Started video announcing her candidacy. Watch important speeches and event highlights, such as Hillary’s official campaign launch speech on Roosevelt Island, New York. Stay up to date with the campaign ads and video everyone will be talking about on social media. Follow Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail leading up to the democratic primaries and caucuses in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada, and many more states. Explore Hillary’s background and bio, and learn how she has always been a forceful champion for human rights, internet freedom, and rights and opportunities for women and girls, the LGBT community, and young people all around the globe. Get inspired and fired up about becoming a volunteer, and donating to the campaign. Hillary is running for President because everyday Americans need a champion and she want to be that champion. This account is run by Hillary for America. Get updates from the campaign by going to our website:
Not in My House | Emily’s List
Christy | Planned Parenthood
Lori | Planned Parenthood
Gina | Planned Parenthood
35th Anniversary | Emily's List
What Counts | Emily’s List
Emily's List 2020 Gala Branding Video
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